Virtue Signaling

Virtue means behavior that shows high moral standards. A person of virtue would have traits like goodness, kindness, honesty, ethics, dignity, or integrity. When did our society become full of people who must signal that they possess those virtues? If they did, others would not need to be told.

Why not simply be virtuous? Humility is a virtue, and signaling you have it is the opposite. People should consider the origin of the whispers that destroy people, especially if the destroyer signals their virtue.

Words have power, and people read others’ actions like books. When people describe others as “real,” they mean the person isn’t a work of fiction.

I hope society is drifting away from worshipping fictional people like celebrity culture, from people who attack others from a place of superiority or virtue signaling, or from those who attack others with an opposing viewpoint.

It would change the world if more people chose virtue instead of pretending they possessed it.

Pass with peace,





Beach Words